The Little Guy

The mass production of standardized products fueled during the past industrial economy brought high productivity and low costs to consumers.

Now with our information-rich digital economy, technology is eroding the power of large-scale mass production and moving us quickly into a world where millions of small producers offer unique services/products. Consumers are becoming less interested in mass produced things.

3D printing, mobile apps, cloud computing and collaborative work technologies are making the “digital economy” economically feasible to almost anyone with Internet access and offering you the capability to deliver unique products/services globally.

A series of breakthrough technologies and new business models are destroying the old rule that bigger is better.

By exploiting the vast audience afforded by the Internet and taking advantage of cloud-based platforms/tools now available to startups, Small is becoming the New Big.

Take a look at Airbnb. It’s the online marketplace allows people to list, find and book accommodations globally offering over 600,000 accommodations in 34,000 cities and 192 countries. Founded 5 years ago, Airbnb is now on target to become the world’s largest hotelier! Watch for the evolution of companies like Airbnb to transform many industries and related jobs in the next few years.

Now companies can be launched without a massive investment in personnel and an IT infrastructure and can quickly get to market to compete with mid-sized to large companies. By buying specialized services, in customized form and at modest cost, companies can create unique products and find buyers globally. Hyper-niche market companies can now access customers using platforms like Etsy to sell across the world.

Global competition continues to drive large companies to aggressively focus on productivity and leverage technology innovations to get work done with fewer employees. As a result of these changing corporate infrastructures, large numbers of people will have no choice but to invent their own jobs, based on leveraging digital markets and platforms.

The GREAT NEWS is that The Digital Economy Will Be Good for Job Growth because it opens up thousands of new market niches. Going forward, your employability is almost guaranteed if you focus on how to leverage this new way of creating income security.

Instead of looking for what jobs are available within a driving distance of your home, look for ways to capitalize on digital markets that allow you to help people make money, save money or solve a problem.

Keep in mind that your income is generally in direct proportion to the number of people you serve. Going digital can be a great way to use the Internet to reach more people and earn an income based on RESULTS instead of TIME.

For those who want to reach a large audience, a growing host of well-established companies are acting as incubators to connect you with production, manufacturing, and distribution channels.

Start NOW to learn the technology and discover the tools to build a digital infrastructure to market services or products that are remarkable.

“The Little Guy”
Now Holds The Means Of Production AND Distribution